For the most part, M&C Saatchi has been performing well over the past year under the running of CEO Jaimes Leggett, churning out award-winning work for brands such as Optus's Clever Buoy, making a raft of creative hires and opening its direct marketing unit, Lida.
The agency has seen some big wins over 2014, including Lexus, NRMA Insurance, Cricket Australia and
But there’s a flip side: a couple of key clients have walked, including one of its premier accounts, David Jones.
Despite a couple of setbacks, the few years have been successful with the company claiming to have lifted profits 81.2% year-on-year as of 31 May 2013. The result marks the agency’s strongest increase ever, clearly thanks to CommBank. (Sourced from AdNews Agency Report Card, May 31 2013 edition)
In November Worldwide chairman of M&C Saatchi Tom Dery announced he would be departing Australia for the US in 2015 where he will take up a place as a fellow of the Advanced Leadership Initiative at Harvard University.