Our Industry Profile takes a weekly look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, ad tech, marketing and media sector in Australia. It aims to shed light on the varying roles and companies across the buzzing industry.
This week we head to Sydney to meet Matt Gilmour, Archibald/Williams' (A/W) executive creative director.
Location you are based:
Surry Hills, Sydney
Duration in current role/time at the company:
Six months
Previous industry-related companies you have worked at:
I had some great years at Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney, transitioning through Malcolm Poyton’s, Nobby’s and Backy’s leaderships. I then spent a few years in the US at Crispin Porter + Bogusky in Colorado and BBDO Atlanta, then back to the mother-ship of Saatchi’s Sydney. Now I’m into independent land, and it’s awesome.
In one sentence, how would you describe what the company does?
We were founded by two strategists, so we’re obviously a strategy led creative shop that has global experience solving clients’ business challenges, which sometimes includes selecting wine with dinner.
In one sentence, what does your role involve?
My role is to set the creative level for A/W and all of our clients, and making sure we have the best talent so we can deliver.
Within the last six months/year, what stands out as the company’s major milestones?
Before I joined A/W I remember thinking when they won the News Corp business, that it was a really big deal. Now that I’m a part of it, I know it really was a big deal and it’s allowed us to build a very strong team.
Best thing about the industry you work in:
There are not many careers where you feel that anything can happen almost every day, from the next brief to the next script that lands on your desk you can never predict where you’ll go. Mostly it’s good surprises.
Career-wise, where do you see yourself in three years time?
I want to be part of the team that takes A/W to be the best independent agency in Australia.
Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
They may know this, but I don’t dig on Game of Thrones.
Top networking tip:
Don’t get so pissed at industry events that you shit in a pool. I’ve only seen it done once and it wasn’t pretty.
My favourite restaurant for a business lunch is:
I wish I had one, Tacos at El Loco is as 'businessy' as I get.
My favourite advert is:
P&G Olympics, Thank you mom.
Beautiful, true and inspirational. If this doesn’t touch you, you have a stone for a heart.
My must-have gadget is:
Mechanical pencil. With a notepad.
My favourite media is:
My favourite TV show is:
It’s a toss up between The Real Housewives of Melbourne and Peppa Pig.
The last book I read:
The Circus McGurkus, a Dr Seuss classic that strangely mirrors my day job.
My mantra / philosophy is:
Tell the fucking truth about something.
I got into advertising/ad tech/marketing etc because:
I got into this business because I hated bad advertising, I still do.
If I wasn't doing this for a living, I'd be:
Attempting to be a chef.
In five years' time I'll be:
Saying to myself, god you look old.
Define your job in one word:
What's your poison:
Central Otago Pinot, or whatever.
Did you catch the last couple of profiles?
Industry Profile: TubeMogul director Jared Levitt
Industry Profile: Strategy head for McDonald’s at OMD, Gideon Hornung
Industry Profile: Datalicious GM, Elly Gillis
Want to take part in our Industry Profile? or have some one to nominate? Email pippachambers@yaffa.com.au
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