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“I love the deep dive into different topics and topics that affect all of us.”
"After 4.5 years of working with our members ... this promotion is well deserved."
Product, programmatic, operational and people perspectives.
Sydney's Smoothfm and Melbourne's 101.9 FOX FM the surprise winners.
"We want people to feel it's impossible to drop Seven off the plan if you want mass audience impact."
990,858 monthly listeners and over 2.1 million monthly downloads in October.
"Over the years, we’ve made a conscious effort to use imagery in our advertising that is reflective of...
"France is heavily regulated... the level of freedom that we have to operate here in Australia is so...
“The new brand positioning is really aligned with how clients and agencies are thinking about talking to...
“I think consumers expect more - they want to be engaged with, not advertised to."
Local views on key industry topics.
According to Simon Wassef, Clemenger BBDO's chief strategy and experience officer.
”We’re preparing and expect a tough privacy environment."
"It seems like Foxtel are setting some great foundations for 2024 and beyond."
"This was an incredible trip with many highlights and the perfect way to thank our valuable partners for...