Yahoo Academy opens for nominations

By AdNews | 5 June 2023
Rosie and Faris Yakob.

Yahoo Academy, Yahoo’s industry-leading talent building program, is now open for nominations, as 40 participants will be chosen to get a masterclass in future-proofing their careers from creative strategists Rosie and Faris Yakob of strategic and creative consultancy Genius Steals. 

With AI and other emergent technologies already changing job roles and skills-needs across the industry, this year’s Academy program will focus on giving the participants from across Australia and Singapore the tools they need to navigate the future. It will culminate in a one-day workshop in Sydney led by the Genius Steals founders.

The day will culminate with a group pitch-off competition, with the winners rewarded with an a seven-day trip to a global conference in Sydney in October. All Yahoo Academy participants will also receive a Delegate pass to Advertising Week APAC.

John McNerney, MD of Yahoo AUSEA, said Yahoo Academy 2023 promises to be the biggest and most compelling program yet.

"With so much happening in the world we’re thrilled to have two incredible practitioners in Rosie and Faris joining us to lead what will be a true masterclass in every sense of the word," said McNerney.

“Yahoo Academy is the original and best talent development program in the Aussie industry with a reputation for nurturing the leaders of the future, and I’m so excited to be bringing participants from Singapore to Sydney to benefit from this expertise for the first time.

"By arming these rising stars with new skills and ways of thinking we’re helping all of our agency partners to adapt and thrive.” 

Rosie and Faris Yakob of Genius Steals said no-one knows exactly what the future holds, but one thing that is certain is that anything that can be automated will eventually be automated.

"As AI becomes an increasingly hot topic in the industry and beyond, we believe that the best way to future-proof agencies and careers is to focus on uniquely human attributes, namely creativity and collaboration," said the duo.

“We believe that workshops, as with all kinds of work, won't be any good if they aren't any fun - so we're really excited to partner with Yahoo to help inspire this group of rising stars, and equip them with the tools and vision to lead our industry into a future we can all get excited about."

Applicants must have 1-7 years experience and may self-nominate with senior endorsement, or senior leadership may directly nominate talent. Nominations close on Friday June 23 and can be submitted here.

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