Perspective - Every dollar will be scrutinised

By Jasmin Bedir | 30 November 2023
Jasmin Bedir.

The AdNews end of year Perspectives, looking back at 2023 and forward to next year.

Ha. I just looked at my 2023 predictions, and giggled. I was somewhat right, but totally missed the buzzword of the year #AI. But I did say more tech, so got that one right.

I don’t need a crystal ball, or shall I say predictive text, to state that 2024 will be all about AI and then some more AI. AI everywhere basically.

I hate to be that person, but I’m just going to come out in good old German direct fashion and say it, hold on to your seats people – 2024 is going to be a shocker for all of us in marketing, media and comms.

Every dollar will be scrutinised, consumers (including myself) are closing their wallets and even if the heart wants what the heart wants, big purchases will be delayed or deleted out of the family Excel budget.

At least we no longer fight each other to the bone to get talent in the door.

The consolidation battles of the big holdcos seem to be solving that problem single handedly for the rest of us and this will continue no doubt for the rest of 2024.

Jasmin Bedir is CEO of Innocean

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