Outdoor media revenue rebounds 25.5% in March quarter

By AdNews | 7 April 2022

The out-of-home (OOH) industry reported a 25.5% lift to $228.1 million in net media revenue for the 2022 March quarter compared to the same three months last year.

Digital OOH (DOOH) revenue accounts for 60.8^ of total net media revenue year-to-date, an increase over the recorded 57% for the same period last year.

OMA CEO Charmaine Moldrich: “The industry continues to rebound in the first three months of the year, with revenue down only slightly, by 2.9% on pre-pandemic 2019. There are many signs that we are back on track and that 2022 will see us achieve or even exceed pre-pandemic annual revenue.

“Our commitment to transparency, accuracy and credibility in our audience measurement platform MOVE 1.5 and adoption of industry-wide standards to make it easier to plan and buy, have helped with our recovery. We have built tools and introduced processes that specifically fill the needs of our clients, and we are now starting to see the positive results.”

“As travel increases with the easing of testing requirements, we expect to see even more confidence in our channel’s ability to deliver reach and impact."

The OMA added two new members in March 2022: Helio, an online advertising marketplace, and Civic Outdoor, an independently owned and operated Outdoor operator also joining MOVE.

According to Zenith, Australian advertising spend is expected to grow 5% in 2022, off the back of 18% in 2021.

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