Make AI your slave

By AdNews | 16 August 2024
Matty Burton.

Think about AI as a way to augment brain power rather than a bit of a computational assistant.

Matty Burton, DDB Group Aotearoa's group chief creative officer, says the first uses of AI have been as an assistant.

“If you step that further and you start thinking about it as an augmented intelligence, then you've got a tool that's not just your brain anymore,” he said.

“It actually could be an extension of anything that you want to do, your human intent … a bit like a shovel helps you dig a hole bigger. That’s the next step."

He was speaking to Liana Dubois, chief marketing officer at Nine Entertainment, on Talking Creativity, a special edition of Nine's podcast series at the This Way Up event by the Australasian Writers and Art Directors (AWARD).

“One step further would be almost like augmented experience,” said Burton. ‘And that's changing the world in which we live and what surrounds us.

“And I think there's huge, huge opportunities for brands, huge opportunities for things like trans media storytelling.”

Dubois: “Friend or foe?”

Burton: “Absolute friend. If it's a foe, then you're gonna be out of work.”

He said you have to embrace change.

“That's the only constant in this world. I think you've got to make AI your slave or it will make you. That's a bad analogy.” 


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