Amobee and Eyeota forge partnership in APAC

Paige Murphy
By Paige Murphy | 14 July 2020

Audience technology platform Eyeota has announced its audiences are now available for activation on social networks through a partnership with advertsing technology platform Amobee in APAC.

The partnership will enable marketers in the region to connect with their target audiences on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Twitter.

Eyeota business development director ANZ Jimmy Aoun says the partnership will allow marketers to extend their programmatic audiences into social network environments.

"It also empowers marketers to curate a more robust audience targeting strategy, tapping into new consumer behaviour signals beyond social activity, for example offline transactional spend patterns and unique B2B data points," Aoun says.

Amobee managing director of Australia Liam Walsh says Eyeota's strong understanding of audiences from around the world made them a "natural partner" for Amobee.

"We are proud to integrate Eyeota with our best-in-class technology for advertisers to develop a truly unified campaign, reaching their target audience across multiple digital environments,” Walsh says.

Eyeota’s social audience activation is also available in all global markets across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).


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