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News Analysis:
Adblocking is causing a stir overseas, and it’s set to do the same here with $240m in lost revenue on the table – so why isn’t it on the Australian advertisers’ radar?
“At that level you can’t brush it under the table. Everyone measures differently but you can’t ignore a discrepancy of 20%.” SEAN BLANCHFIELD PAGEFAIR PAGE 10
Michael Miller is running the show over at APN, doubling share price in two years – but is he headed to News Corp?
“We are coming into an age where company differentiation is coming from marketing.” MICHAEL MILLER APN NEWS AND MEDIA PAGE 12
Special Report: Digital Out of Home - Plugging in and amping up.
“We learn from the mistakes of others that digital can attack your core competencies and what you’ve got to find is other core competencies.” BRENDON COOK OOH! MEDIA PAGE 17
Big Picture:
Match Media’s acquisition by ZenithOptimedia fuels the conversation around independent agencies, and the models the global groups are chasing..
“It’s not about the death of the independent, but a warning to any independent of scale that unless you’ve got deep pockets, you’re going to find it very difficult.” JOHN PRESTON, MATCH MEDIA, PAGE 33
Other highlights:
“I’m here to shake shit up and do things differently.” DION APPEL DDB MELBOURNE PAGE 06
“The past four weeks have demonstrated the profound shift in the Australian TV trading industry.” ANTHONY FITZGERALD MCN PAGE 14
“Collectively the industry has woken up from a long sleep to the value of the maxim that a great idea should drive everything.” DARREN SPILLER DDB PAGE 28
“That model works now but we’ve got to think about what model works in the future.” IAN PERRIN ZENITHOPTIMEDIA PAGE 33
“Media agencies are leading the communications process but we continue to undervalue what we do.” JOHN STEEDMAN GROUPM PAGE 34
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