A strong response to AdNews Marketing Pulse

By AdNews | 1 April 2021

AdNews Marketing Pulse, a unique deep dive into Australian brands, has seen a strong reponse from marketers.

The investigation, including a comprehensive survey and analysis, is being conducted jointly by AdNews and journey hacking media agency Hearts & Science.

Marketing Pulse looks at how brands large and small are responding to not only COVID, but also to an increasingly complex yet fragile and constantly changing environment.

The survey, and analysis, is designed to create reference points, a benchmark on what organisations are doing post-COVID, what they plan and where they sit against other marketers in the Australian context.

“As we emerge from COVID, we need to talk about growth, in some cases growth back to pre COVID levels and in other cases continuing to grow. Whatever your growth, it most likely means doing more with less,” says Jeremy Bolt, CEO of Hearts & Science.

Find the survey HERE

Those who complete the survey and leave an email address will receive a copy of the research report.


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