AdNews presents, with the industry’s social enterprise MOOD tea, a mood uplifting series, celebrating those who have been behind bringing MOOD to life. MOOD is a purpose-driven tea brand created by the Australian media, marketing and creative industry to help fight youth suicide.
There are some seriously talented humans who the team at MOOD couldn’t do without.
Name: Sunny Manadavadi
Title: PR & Comms Senior Account Manager
Company: M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment
- What is your favourite moment you’ve shared over a cuppa?
I wouldn't say there's one favourite moment, but I think having a cuppa is always a nice chance to sit down, unwind and relax with friends and loved ones. It gives you a nice chance to just chat about anything and have a real connection with the person you're having a cuppa with.
- Why is supporting mental health so important to you?
Supporting mental health is so important because it affects so many people, both directly and indirectly. Being able to reduce the stigma around talking about mental health and showing people that it's okay is a crucial step in the process of helping others. The more we can talk about it and make it normal, hopefully the more people we can help.
- What’s your top tip for lifting your mood?
For me it's doing something you enjoy and something that distracts me from the thing I might be down about. For me personally, it's going outside, getting some sunshine, and going for a walk. Or if it's raining, popping on a show or a bit of gaming.
- What is your connection to MOOD, how have you contributed?
My connection to MOOD is through S&E and helping on the PR side of things, pitching in the Woolworths launch story last year to media to drive traction and consumer interest.
- How can we as an industry do more to support MOOD?
I think step one is simply stocking MOOD in all kitchens. Showing support by purchasing MOOD helps fund important projects and that's ultimately what the brand is about. And step 2 is just helping however you can to get the brand out there. Whether that's setting aside a little bit of time to help the team in your specialism, or just spreading the word, every bit helps.
- What is your favourite MOOD brew?
Get On Up - It's the perfect flavour balance for me and absolutely lifts my mood during the day to keep me driven.