Young Guns: Lauren Corner at Initiative

By AdNews | 29 June 2023

Young Gun profiles takes a look at the young talent across the Australian advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector. Aiming to shed light on the varying roles, people and companies across the buzzing industry.

Lauren Corner, strategy manager, Initiative

Time in current role/time at company:

Two years at Initiative, two months as a strategist.

How long have you been in the industry?

I’ve just hit it for six…not out!

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

It’s in the genes – my Dad, Les Corner (the OG LC), was in the media industry for 30+ years so his influence was huge on me. My original aspiration was to become a journalist but being fresh out of uni and hungry to see what was so great about the East Coast, Dad suggested I take a stab at ‘buying billboards’ so that’s what I did…the rest is history.

Who is your right-hand who guides you day to day?

I am so lucky because it’s The D-O-double-D aka Tom Dodd. Doddy has been a huge support as I’ve moved into my new role and he is so invested in not only my own but the entire teams career progression. Doddy will give you all the time in the world and his energy is infectious. He’s an incredible mentor, has an exceptional mind and he’s absolute weapon of mass (comms) destruction so I’m very lucky to be working alongside him every day.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

When you see your agency nail a cultural bullseye with an amazing idea that not only delivers tangible results for clients but organic, cultural fame that makes ads great again.

And the biggest challenge?


Whose job have you set your sight in the future?

Pigs would need to fly for me to take this man’s job but I’ll give it a crack…Chris Colter, I’m coming for you.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

Just asking questions – being curious to ask friends, family and people about their lives and what their opinions are.

My favourite advert is:

I loved a campaign called Light the Night initiative that came out of Cairo. InDrive found that people avoid unlit streets and don’t want to wait for a ride there either so they took over the city’s darkest streets and turned OOH billboards into lightbox’s that could light up the streets. I loved that this campaign used typical media formats and turned it into something meaningful.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you

I am big over sharer so there probably isn’t much people don’t know but… I’m a 70-year-old trapped in a 28-year-olds body because fruit cake is one of my favourite deserts.

In five years’ time I’ll be...

No idea – I’m too busy trying to live it up and enjoy where I am right now.

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