WPP AUNZ moves to ensure it has access to cash

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 7 May 2020

WPP AUNZ, the local arm of the world’s biggest advertising company, has moved to ensure it has access to a deep pocket of cash during the coronavirus crisis.

The company has renewed a $150 million revolving working capital facility which had been due for renewal on June 29. It is now due June next year.

WPP AUNZ has access to debt facilities of $420 million with a syndicate of five banks. All debt facilities now expire in June next year.

The company also has $228 million in cash and undrawn facilities.

As of March the company had net debt of $161 million.

WPP AUNZ has been reducing its overheads and hoarding as much cash as it can on hand.

The company in March announced that dividends would be withdrawn, a saving of $37.5 million, as a precautionary move against the impact of the coronavirus. 

Staff are working reduced hours and senior executives have had their pay cut. 

In February, WPP AUNZ full year posted a statutory net loss of $227.57million

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