VMO launches Dynamic Creative

By AdNews | 19 June 2023

VMO has launched Dynamic Creative for out-of-home (DCOOH).

DCOOH provides brands with the ability to dynamically optimise creative that can be personalised to the individual screen. It’s a platform designed for automation and efficiency, saving time, money and coordination on creative build and execution.

The combination of multiple data inputs with the agility of programmatic delivery enables creativity and contextually relevant targeting, all wrapped up into a single campaign buy.

DCOOH has been co-developed in collaboration with global ad tech platform, Flashtalking by Mediaocean.

Sabarish Chirakkal, director of programmatic of VMO, said through the combination of Flashtalking’s tech, and VMO's infrastructure, the companies have developed the most sophisticated personalisation solution in programmatic outdoor.

"At the heart of innovation is the seamless integration of context, targeting and flexibility, which unlocks new opportunities for brands to creatively connect with their audiences," said Chirakkal.

"It also creates efficiencies with infinite versions of creatives now executed via a single DCOOH template.“

Georgia Brammer, Flashtalking MD of ad tech for JAPAC, said personalisation has become a requirement for consumers with 71% now expecting companies to deliver bespoke interactions.

"We are thrilled to be partnering with VMO to deliver a market first in dynamic creative optimisation for out-of-home, an advertising channel that has traditionally been siloed," said Brammer.

"With DCOOH, brands can bring their messaging to life in a more relevant manner and better connect with their audiences as part of an omnichannel strategy."

Paul Butler, MD of VMO, said its new DCOOH innovation is just another way VMO does outdoor differently.

"It’s an absolute game-changer, empowering brands to take their outdoor campaigns to a personalised level for the very first time. Solutions like DCOOH drive greater results for our partners, which is why we’re so thrilled to finally launch this to market," said Butler.

DCOOH is now available for clients across the VMO network nationally.

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