Thinkerbell Aotearoa appointed creative partner for Lion NZ

By AdNews | 1 September 2023
Amy Frengley and Regan Grafton

Thinkerbell Aotearoa has been appointed as a key creative partner for Lion New Zealand, following a competitive pitch process led by Trinity P3.

Thinkerbell opened its doors in Auckland earlier this year and the agency is now managing both creative and earned work for Lion spirit & RTD, craft beer and wine brands - including Smirnoff, Gordon’s, Bacardi, Panhead, Byron Bay Brewery, Jose Cuervo, and Lindauer.

Regan Grafton, Thinkerbell Aotearoa chief creative tinker and co-founder, said the agency is chuffed to get their hands on many of the most iconic brands in New Zealand.

"The runway Lion’s brands provide us for creative thinking, along with a team that’s continuously looking to do things differently, opens up a world of magic. I’m not complaining about the taste testing either," Grafton said.

Adam Daysh, Lion connections director, said Lion wants to take its brands to the next level.

"To deliver on this ambition, we've set up an inhouse connections team with world class expertise in strategy, media, digital and planning. Throw Thinkerbell in the mix with their deep understanding of today's consumers and creative nous and we believe we've got a recipe for success," Daysh said.

Amy Frengley, Thinkerbell chief brand thinker and co-founder, said the agency is looking forward to pushing creative boundaries with Lion.

“Like us, Lion has a genuine belief in the power of creativity to drive commercial outcomes. We’re looking forward to supercharging their portfolio with a bit of Measured Magic over the coming years," Frengley said.

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