The WFH Diaries - Sam Buchanan at the IMAA

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 17 September 2021
Sam Buchanan at home.

AdNews last year launched the WFH Diaries during the depths of the fallout from the pandemic, a way of sharing how people managed their days.

This time, with lockdown running again, we're asking for a run down on how everyone likes to start their day working from home. Some dress to impress, others slip on the t-shirt. And everyone has their own way to carve the day into manageable chunks.

Sam Buchanan, the General Manager of the IMAA (Independent Media Agencies of Australia):

I'm lucky enough to live near the beach, so I start the day with a run by the water. The saltwater air does wonders for a healthy mindset.  It gets the heart moving and the endorphins jumping.

I return home with coffee in hand for my wife and enjoy breakfast with the rest of the family before the day even begins.

Whilst they say routine is the enemy of creativity, for me, this is where I do my best thinking, problem-solving and goal setting.  It works even better in lockdown and working from home. I'm generally a positive person, bright eyed and bushy tailed, so why not be that from the home office too?

Whilst I try to wear a collared shirt for every virtual meeting, but as every day of lockdown passes even my own standards decline.  Hugboots are almost welded to my feet. 

Tips for getting through the day?

Because there is no clear, defining start and end of the working day you can very easily get stuck into a system where the days don't stop.  I ensure that I have a clear line in the sand and you put the tools down. We are home schooling our kids, so I try to help with that, or even just keeping them entertained with my wardrobe full of dress ups (don't ask!) 

My days are interesting anyway as the IMAA has almost 100 members now so there's plenty of stakeholders to talk to, plan and brainstorm with. Being a new industry body is exciting as we grow and put independent media agencies on the map.

You need to break up your day and find balance and small joys - so sunshine and fresh air is a must.

I make sure I still celebrate with wins and milestones where I can...even by myself!


There are countless opportunities to get distracted throughout the day - from the fridge to the unbridled excitement of the postman. The key to having discipline is to stay on track.  I diarise all blocks in my day to ensure even breaks are in there. That's important for both distracting myself from distractions and a healthy mind.

Upside. Downside.

They are beautiful moments with the family every day whether it's enjoying lunch or an untimely interruption to an important zoom meeting by my two sleep terrorists (Harper, 6 and Henry-Steele, 3). These moments are not lost on me and I consider myself lucky to be able to spend more time with them - except when they won't go to sleep! Working from home has many positives, no traffic, highly productive, and the family is all under one roof (for better or worse).

Being an outgoing, people person, I do miss the people and face-to-face meetings and events.... But they will be back before we know it.  Stay tuned!


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