The real revolution in Web3 is powerhouse utility and reach at scale

2-click wallet registration and NFT ownership on smartphone

In 1995, Robert Metcalfe, the brilliant inventor of Ethernet said, “I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.”

Just two years later, at the sixth International World Wide Web Conference, he stuffed a copy of his column into a blender with water and literally ate his words. The future always wins.

The early days of every technology revolution attract a mix of genuine visionaries and opportunistic hallucinators, and it’s not always easy to tell them apart.

For every early Jeff Bezos there are hundreds of founders of businesses that are too far ahead of the technology, too far behind it, or too focused on what they hope consumers will want and not focused enough on well-established consumer behaviours.

Advertisers, agencies, and creators are quickly realising Web3 can’t scale unless it’s easy for business and consumers. And it can’t reach a big enough audience to make an impact if you can’t connect what happens in Web3 to today’s programmatic media engine.

That’s why the critical shift from bright shiny objects (speculative NFTs) to real gold is happening fast in the US and UK and happening here in Australia, too.

It doesn’t take much to crank out a generic NFT, and that’s exactly why it doesn’t have much value. The real value in Web3 comes from the same place business value has always come from: nailing the fundamentals.

That means deeply understanding how consumers think, addressing practical and emotional needs, crafting strategies that build upon and turbocharge existing efforts in mobile, desktop, and beyond while leveraging programmatic to deliver reach at scale, all the way through to attribution and comprehensive regulatory compliance.

Find a bottle

This end-to-end approach, built to make Web3 easy for consumers and business alike, enables a more robust approach that encompasses all the touchpoints in a consumer’s digital and physical worlds. It connects media to e-commerce, where real sales can happen, and loyalty programs where real lifetime value can be built.

Brands are leveraging Web3 and next generation NFTs to enable experiences that deliver serious utility and reach at scale.

Web3 strategy and execution in action

The drop that Smart Media Technologies (SMT) did at AdNews Live in Melbourne: Metaverse, The Next Ad Frontier, builds on the strategies we use day-to-day, for a simple reason – they work.

We might have just stacked up ink-on-paper brochures in a booth. But that’s not at all how advertisers think about Web3, is it? It’s faster, easier, and better for everyone if we release our marketing collateral in a drop, and so that’s exactly what we have done.

That takes care of the practical needs, but what about the emotional ones? We know people are concerned about the environmental impact of NFTs. We are, too. That’s why the SMT platform is more environmentally conscious, and it’s also why we’ve made our drop 100% carbon-neutral: for every Smart NFTree you plant, we’ll plant a tree in real life.

We’ve partnered with One Tree Planted, a non-profit dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees and empower young people to do something positive for the environment. We’re making it easy to access the “NFTree” on any device.                                                                                                                         Image: Find and pick up virtual bottles of Veuve Clicquot

That’s how good Web3 strategy and execution works: it’s designed to be smart, emotionally resonant, and leverage efficiencies wherever possible. One last thing: our audience is inherently small and focused. Everyone we needed to reach was right here in Melbourne. But if your audience is all over Australia or APAC or beyond, rest assured we have the industry’s first true Web3-ready DSP. We built it for exactly that kind of reach.

There is unlimited potential that Web3 can offer when it delivers utility and reach. We hope you’re inspired by it, and are ready to bridge your most successful Web 2 programs to take advantage of everything Web3 offers.

The future is coming fast, and there will be winners and losers. We believe the agencies, brands, and creators with the best strategic approach to Web3 will win.

If you’re keen to find out how our Web3 platform and services can scale your business, reach out to us here.

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