The Nightly pulls in 1.8 million readers

By AdNews | 23 May 2024
Sarah-Jane Tasker.

The Nightly, Seven West Media's digital-only newspaper, has more than doubled its audience in its second month, adding almost one million readers in April.

Ipsos iris industry data data shows 1.808 million people visited The Nightly last month, a 107% increase since launch.

Almost a third of’s audience is under 39 years old, with 54% of readers being women. Another 30% of readers are aged 40 to 54 years old.

The Nightly also publishes long-form journalism from international publications like The New York Times, The Economist and the printed edition of London’s Daily Mail.

The Nightly editor Sarah-Jane Tasker said the ttile had arrived with immediate impact and the positive feedback from readers was overwhelming.

“The refreshing thing we are seeing in these figures is The Nightly is attracting younger people back to reading the news. They are embracing the old newspaper tradition, only in digital form,” she said.

“The clean, modern design of the site and the ‘digi edition’, coupled with authoritative, entertaining and cut-through voices and en pointe news curation is also winning over an enviably strong female audience desperate for intelligent, relevant and informative news.

“Our audience is 54% women. And almost two-thirds of our readers are young. That is quite a statement.”

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