The Media Store wins Cure Cancer account

By AdNews | 6 March 2023
Stephen Leeds and Jacquie Alley

Independent media agency The Media Store has been appointed to pro bono client Cure Cancer.

Cure Cancer has a unique position among the many cancer research charities throughout Australia, with the charity funding early-career cancer researchers, where limited opportunities exist to fund their vital work. The charity funds new ways of thinking and new ideas in cancer research across all cancer types.

Over the past 55 years, Cure Cancer has raised $87 million to support 540 lifesaving research grants, which have been entirely funded by donations, and recently announced 14 additional grants for 2023, a 75% increase from 2022.

The Media Store CEO, Stephen Leeds, said: “Every family has been touched by cancer in some way and our work family is no different.

"On asking our team who would like to be involved in bringing Cure Cancer into our client fold, I was inundated with volunteers, many of whom have had personal experiences with cancer and wish to see it eradicated.

"Furthermore, learning about Cure Cancer’s USP of funding new ways of thinking to make this the last generation to die from cancer, aligned with our vision to reimagine what media can be. We are humbled to support such important, innovative and life-saving work.”

Cure Cancer CEO, Nikki Kinloch, said: “We approached The Media Store after hearing of their unparalleled reputation to deliver outstanding value and creative solutions for clients.

"We are thrilled to have their media expertise and partner connections to support our marketing team and together will continue to raise awareness of the importance in investing in research today so we can safeguard the generations of tomorrow.” 

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