SBS launches marketing campaign for Australia Explained

By AdNews | 16 May 2024

SBS’ flagship service for new migrants, Australia Explained, has launched a multi-platform marketing campaign.

The campaign was filmed in English and other languages with sub-titles for use across owned and paid platforms. It features a 30” hero film for paid social, as well as 30” packages showcasing individual stories about the nuances of starting life in Australia. 

Australia Explained is a free multilingual service published weekly in more than 30 languages with practical information and resources to help new migrants successfully settle and live well in Australia. Available as articles, podcasts and videos, topics include employment, housing, health, education, emergency essentials, and more.

SBS chief marketing and commercial officer, Jane Palfreyman, said the creative empowers and celebrates diverse migrant and refugee experiences – from mental health and language barriers to raising bilingual kids and job hunting – which collectively contribute to contemporary Australia today.

“We want audiences to form a human connection with these stories, and whenever they think of new migrants or multicultural communities to think of SBS and our services," she said.

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