Matilda Hobba named MD of Bullfrog

By AdNews | 7 February 2023
Matilda Hobba and Dalton Henshaw; image supplied by Bullfrog.

Independent creative business Bullfrog has appointed Matilda Hobba as its first managing director.

Hobba, who left the advertising industry in 2021 to pursue an interest in new-to-category brand development and product innovation, returns tasked with supercharging Bullfrog’s next phase of growth, development and market expansion.

Hobba: “I took myself out of the agency landscape because I was keen to use my experience building products and brands for existing companies, to create my own.

"The last 12 months or so has really solidified my love of this space. When I met Dalton, I was excited to learn brand creation and ownership was very much a part of Bullfrog’s vision – so I find myself in a unique position to be able to fuse world – class communications and brand development in one role, under one roof”.

Dalton Henshaw, founder and CEO of Bullfrog, said: “With the addition of Elle Bullen as Executive Creative Director late last year, and now, welcoming Matilda’s world-class calibre as our first Managing Director, 2023 is set up to be an incredible ride.”

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