LADbible Group expands into APAC

By AdNews | 27 May 2024
Brian Florido Val Morgan Digital Managing Director.

Val Morgan Digital has expanded commercial representation of LADbible Group into the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.

The expansion across Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam builds on the five-year commercial partnership between Val Morgan Digital and LADbible Group.

Val Morgan Digital managing director Brian Florido said the company is thrilled to expand the global brand across APAC.

“We’ve identified an opportunity to expand into other key markets to give brands an even greater opportunity to connect with their target audiences," Florido said.

“We’ve now got an unmatched offering and are well-positioned to drive the most impactful campaigns to deliver exceptional results for brands.”

LADbible Group CEO Solly Solomou said expanding LADbible Group into APAC has been a longstanding goal.

“We’re excited to build upon our strong partnership with the Val Morgan Digital team and further strengthen LADbible Group’s position as the go-to global digital entertainment business for young adults in the APAC region," Solomou said.

"Val Morgan Digital's deep understanding of the dynamic APAC market, combined with their strategic approach to digital media, makes them an ideal partner for our business objectives.”

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