Keep Left wins PassportCard creative pitch

By AdNews | 12 October 2023

Independent agency Keep Left has been appointed creative and PR agency of record for global travel insurer PassportCard, following a competitive pitch.

Keep Left will create an integrated brand campaign to launch PassportCard in Australia, supported by a PR and influencer program.

Brona Hyndman, PassportCard head of marketing, said Keep Left wow-ed the brand in the pitch.

"We were impressed by the quality of the team’s thinking, the strategic and creative approach as well as their passion for the brand and category. Their energy was infectious," Hyndman said.

“It’s been a fabulous start to the partnership. We’ve hit the ground running and are excited to deliver PassportCard’s first brand campaign for the Australian market later this year.”

Katarina Farrell, Keep Left managing director for Sydney, said it’s brilliant to see the agency's earned creative approach resonating and Ideas People Choose coming to life in the work.

“Our team really zoned into the psyche of PassportCard’s customers and how they feel when something goes wrong on a trip. This provided fertile ground for a creative platform that would engage the audience and deliver PassportCard’s USP strongly," Farrell said.

Caroline Catterall, Keep Left CEO, had a first-hand experience of PassportCard’s unique offering at this year’s Burning Man festival when rain turned the event into a mud pit. 

“I’d taken out a policy before heading to the U.S. of course not thinking I’d have to use it. When the rain came and we realised we were stuck in the desert, I called PassportCard to let them know I might be delayed and could miss my connecting flights," Catterall said.

"They swung into action with incredible service – nothing like I've ever experienced before – and gave me a host of options including evacuation from the site, which provided huge peace of mind.

“PassportCard is a game changer in the travel insurance space. I couldn't be happier to help this business grow its market share in Australia. I personally would never travel without them again."

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