Elfy Scott named editor of Mamamia

By AdNews | 24 February 2023
Elfy Scott; image supplied by Mamamia.

Elfy Scott is the new editor of the Mamamia Media Company.

She replaces Melody Teh.

Scott began her career at BuzzFeed News, working as the newsroom’s first science reporter and her journalism has featured in publications including The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, BuzzFeed News, SBS, Vice, Mamamia and Broadly.

Scott is also a podcast host and producer, having helmed the Spotify exclusive Australian politics show ‘Left Right Out’, and environmental news series ‘The Green Canary’. She has also been senior producer and host of the daily online news show, The Junkee Takeaway on Facebook Watch.

Scott said: “I could not be more thrilled to take on the role of Editor at Mamamia.

"It’s a privilege to work with such an established, trusted media brand for Australian women and I’m beyond excited to work with such a talented and brilliant group of writers and creators. I look forward to playing my part and lending my voice to the website as the team grows and continues to produce content that is informative, impactful, and entertaining.”

Rosie Squires, editorial director at Mamamia, said: "Elfy has such a unique combination of journalistic experience across written content, podcasting and broadcast journalism along with her exceptional producing and presenting skills.

"She is a huge talent on the keyboard, behind the pod mic, in front of a camera and in a newsroom. She is also a natural leader and role model both to young women in the media and within the wider community. These qualities are all innate to what we do at Mamamia as a media company whose purpose is to make the world a better place for women and girls.

"I am so excited to welcome her into the content team in this important leadership role.”

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