D_Coded - Shop from within a news story

By AdNews | 14 May 2024
Credit: Mike Petrucci via Unsplash.

News Corp Australia today announced the launch of Shoppable ScrollX and enhancements to Targeted Time in View (TTIV).  

The Shoppable ScrollX ad format converts mobile editorial content into a dynamic storefront.

Early testing of the format saw a 37% higher click-through rate than existing ScrollX ads.

"Shoppable ScrollX and the enhanced TTIV are changing the game," said managing director client partnerships Lou Barrett. 

"The real benefit is that your customers are able to shop right from the point of inspiration.”

Shoppable ScrollX, powered by technology from Vudoo and Bonzai, works seamlessly with Intent Connect’s new BuyNow segments.

These segments are designed to capture real-time shoppers, identifying digital traffic actively researching related products.

Managing director client product Pippa Leary said this isn't just about technology.

"It's about understanding consumer behaviour and creating advertising experiences that are both valuable  and enjoyable," she said.

News Corp has also made enhancements to its Targeted Time in View solution, to deliver high-impact video and display tailored to user interests.

The solution elevates video and display advertising with contextual targeting.

Adaptive video streaming within TTIV delivers fast load times and smooth playback, maximising message impact.

News Corp Australia unveiled Shoppable ScrollX and an enhanced Targeted Time in View at D_Coded, the company’s annual digital marketing event for advertising, marketing and media executives.

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