Creative Isolation: The sounds of an empty Sydney

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 22 April 2020

Many in advertising and media are turning their extra coronavirus time, gained from working from home (WFH) and not having to commute, to projects in Creative Isolation:

Dayne Hudson, a freelance film director, made a short documentary on COVID-19 called Sounds Of A City.

It focuses on the "beautiful sounds" Sydney makes when nobody is there.

"It was an opportunity to find an answer to this question: What would the city sound like if there was no one there?" says Hudson.

"We never get to hear it and see it, so I wanted to put that on display." 

He also wanted to show how nature is so much more powerful than us.

"The birds fly around in every shot, undeterred and living life as usual," he says.

"Whilst we're the king of the animal universe, we are still part of that even though we may sometimes think we're not -- we're still susceptible to the dangers other animals face.

"This has been a big wakeup call, and I wanted to show that." 


Directed by Dayne Hudson

Cinematography by Rasmus Callmer

Edited by Mark Parry

Sound design by Mark Parry

Colour grading by Daniel Pardy


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