COVID Commentary - Kiranpreet Kaur at Archibald Williams

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 28 September 2021
Kiranpreet Kaur.

 Industry figures are leading the way in getting vaccinated against COVID-19, many of them announcing the occasion of double vax via social media. AdNews asked them about their motivation and experiences.

Kiranpreet Kaur, Head of Client & Strategic Services at Archibald Williams.

At the end of the day, despite my momentary enthusiasm from time to time and my advanced google search skills, I am not a qualified medical professional. So, me providing any sort of medical input on the subject is almost as inappropriate as Bill Gates giving LeBron advice on his jump shot (yes, I just drew a parallel between myself and Bill Gates). 

I can, however, speak from the lens of an expat and a pregnant woman who had to use the medical system during the pandemic. From the view of an expat, simply put, I miss home. As a Canadian living in Australia, with almost all of my closest friends and family in Canada, I will always have 2 homes. Not being able to visit has sucked incredibly and the only way to get anywhere close to being able to go there is vaccination in Australia. 

From the aspect of engaging with the public health system, vaccination is key to ensuring that partners can be in delivery rooms during births, support systems can be around new or struggling parents, and that families can just be together through the wonderful, and sometimes awfully trying, experiences at hospitals. Not to mention, the impact it has on the everyday for frontline workers. 

I can understand the fear that comes with the unknown of the vaccine, but I still couldn’t wait to get my jab, and as of a couple of weeks ago, can say that I’m so grateful that my entire family is fully vaxed. Exhibit A – the attached selfie shared with my family from the vaccination clinic after being jabbed. 

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