Communications minister warns the media sector to 'do better'

By AdNews | 27 May 2024
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Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has encouraged the media sector to “do better” in their management of internal complaints.

This comes after allegations against former Nine Network news boss Darren Wick who quit the network on March 15.

“The media sector has been highlighted in recent years as an area that needs improvement, I say that as someone where I work in a profession where standards need to be lifted as well,” Rowland told Sky News.

“That it is incumbent on all institutions, on all companies, including the one in question, to do better — to be transparent in the way that it conducts its investigations.

“We want good people to be entering the sector to be supporting the fourth estate which is an important pillar of our democracy and I would hope that the appropriate processes are a key in this case.”

Nine CEO Mike Sneesby, who cut short a holiday in the US, urged Nine employees with any complaints regarding inappropriate behaviour to come forward.

“Many of you will have seen external media over the last few days that draws attention to our internal processes and policies regarding complaints about conduct in the workplace,” Sneesby wrote in an internal email.

“It is important for everyone at Nine to know that we don’t ­tolerate inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and want to know if there is inappropriate ­behaviour occurring, so that it can be addressed promptly.”

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