Bench renews Medtronic Diabetes account

By AdNews | 13 December 2023
Credit: Bruno Nascimento via Unsplash

Healthcare brand Medtronic Diabetes has reappointed digital media agency Bench.

Bench has worked with Medtronic since 2016 across its Diabetes and Bariatric portfolios, and is currently promoting Medtronic’s commitment to helping people fight Type 1 Diabetes with the "No More" brand launch.

The campaign profiles how Medtronic’s diabetes solutions can improve the outcomes of those people suffering from the condition.

“Bench’s reach and targeting capabilities have really given our campaigns an edge, as we have been able to identify and target platforms across the open internet where we can efficiently reach our very niche audience,” says Kiran Buckman of Medtronic Diabetes.

Ori Gold, CEO and co-founder at Bench, says reaching niche audiences efficiently is a challenge marketeers face in terms of how and where they reach their target audiences at scale and in an efficient manner. 

"Many marketeers only realise too late that it’s imperative to adopt a smarter digital media playbook to achieve their desired results," says Gold.

"The days of simply using Google and Meta are over and marketeers need a breadth of media and data providers to ensure they are cost efficiently reaching their target audiences and gain an edge on their competition.

“By diversifying media and data sources, businesses can mitigate risks and tap into new audiences. This involves focusing on broader, upper-funnel activities to reach these new audiences and elevate demand. Such diversification results in improved performance, better cost efficiency, enhanced data and insights, and overall superior outcomes."


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