Alan Jones lands 2GB in hot water with ACMA

Rachael Micallef
By Rachael Micallef | 10 July 2015

The Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has found that 2GB and its licensee have breached the broadcasting rules over comments made by 2GB presenter Alan Jones on global warming.

The comments, made in September 2013 concerned the rate of global warming in a report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Jones made claims using facts in an article from The Australian but the inaccuracies in the article had been corrected three days prior to his broadcast.

An investigation found that 2GB did not make reasonable efforts to ensure the statements made by Jones were reasonably supportable as being accurate.

It also found that a correction later in the program by Jones was not adequate and appropriate “so did not cure the break” noting that the correction lacked clarity.

While the investigation report was finalised last year, its publication was delayed after the licencee challenged in the Federal Court ACMA's power to investigate.

The 23 April Federal Court ruling included a confirmation that ACMA has an independent discretion to commence 'own motion' investigations, and affirmed its approach to factual accuracy and corrections under the codes.

In a statement ACMA said it “expects the licensee (indeed all commercial radio licensees) will be guided by the Federal Court's endorsement of the ACMA's views on what is an 'adequate and appropriate' correction 'in all circumstance.”

When there has been a breach of a code of practice, ACMA can agree to accept measure offered by the broadcast to improve compliance, agree to an enforceable undertaking offered by the broadcast to the purpose of securing future compliance with the rule or impose an additional licence condition.

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