The Australian Youth Climate Coalition's 'NewsJacker' via Clemenger BBDO

22 August 2023

Creative Agency: Clemenger BBDO

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To highlight the rising scepticism towards climate change as a result of online misinformation and algorithmic echo chambers.

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) has launched a campaign, NewsJacker, to highlight the rising scepticism towards climate change as a result of online misinformation and algorithmic echo chambers.

NewsJacker, is a provocative website that arms the younger generation with a tool to break climate sceptics out of their misinformation echo chambers. 

On the surface, NewsJacker appears to be a simple homemade cookie recipe. However, when someone is sent this cookie recipe, on opening, specially designed technology built into the site updates their online cookies and prompts the internet to think they care about the climate. Because of this, they will immediately begin receiving factually accurate news stories about climate change.

Rich Williams, executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO, said NewsJacker was inspired by the alarming statistic that 42% of Australians express scepticism towards climate change.

"It's a direct result from the information they’re receiving through digital media and algorithms," said Williams.

Given the role of digital media and news publications on climate change scepticism, there was a deliberate decision to partner with a youth-focused, independent publisher who embodied the ethos of NewsJacker. 

Crystal Andrews, founder of youth publication and media partner Zee Feed, said the single-sided sharing of news is not a new issue within media publishing.

"Online algorithms have simply exacerbated the problem, shielding sections of society from the information they need to hear most," she said.

The AYCC, whose mission is to build a movement of young people leading solutions to the climate crisis, want to highlight the very real dangers of misinformation.

Grace Vegesana, the climate & racial justice director at AYCC, said echo chambers are a serious and dangerous problem, leading to inaction.

"Young people in Australia want to make a difference; NewsJacker gives them this chance – a chance to challenge the thinking of the people around them and bring attention to a conversation that can be difficult to start," she said.

The campaign is live now across owned, social and earned media.



Client: Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Media Partner: Zee Feed

Creative Agency: Clemenger BBDO

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