Week one: The whirlwind

30 September 2014

This blog comes just one week in to a three month internship and I daresay there will be more in-depth insight regarding the program shared by my fellow ‘Nester’s’ as the weeks roll on. I thought I’d start off with some background on myself and my journey. Firstly, I’ve spent seven years at University. Seven years! And guess what, the first five taught me one thing; “I don’t want a job in that!”

So, it was time to say hello to a masters in strategic marketing and finally there was purpose to my studies. But do distinctions really get you a full-time job? Well anyone who has spent their university years in hospitality knows, pretty darn unlikely. Employers want to know what skills you can bring to their organisation not your grade point average. Now don’t think I’m saying forget university and forget distinctions. Strive for them but go further, knock on every door, chase every opportunity, get your foot in the door and by god have I been lucky to get my foot in this one.

So what’s behind the door…

Well I’ll say one thing, walk through it and you are truly in another world, you’re in the real world.

Day 1; I walked in to the office to be greeted by Liz Maunsell, an ex-‘Nester’ now working full time for Leo Burnett as an account coordinator. My manager and mentor, business director Neil Duncan informed me that I would be working on some of the agency’s largest accounts. That’s right, not just photocopying and grabbing coffees but working on the accounts.

Contributing to the incredible standard of work that Leo Burnett is globally renowned for. From there it was sitting in on a planning meeting (talk about a steep learning curve- but that’s the way I and Leo Burnett like it). Finally, my fellow ‘Nester’ Justine Simmonds and I will be shall we say, commandeering, The Nest Facebook page over the next 6 weeks so keep your eyes peeled! (https://www.facebook.com/TheNestSydney?ref=ts&fref=ts)

Day 2; When three hours in to the first day of an internship you get told; “So tomorrow we are shooting an ad, we are going to get you out there to learn about the process and people involved. Is that okay?” - you’re thinking, is that okay? I’d beg for that! So there I was, day two of The Nest, on location surrounded by cameras, lights and production crew, standing next to a brand manager and senior brand manager from the client. Watching, listening, learning.

Could this day get any better? Well the assistant director sure knew how to make it so, “I hear you’re happy to double as talent?” Oh, if I have to. So not only did I gain an insight in to the physical production of the ad while witnessing the dynamic between production company, agency and client, I’m soon to star in my breakout role on Australian TV (and by breakout role, yes I am referring to a human shaped blur in the background).

Day 3; Well here I sit on the morning of day three of The Nest typing this blog. Time is short and I’m going to have to run, there is a work in progress meeting about to start that I’m sitting in on. As for what’s coming after that, I honestly couldn’t tell you. I know that next week I will be taking the lead on a client brief focussing on the digital sphere which I can’t wait for. Aside from that my best guess would be anything and everything, that’s the beauty of The Nest.

Andrew Dengate
The Nest, 2014

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