AdNews L!VE Sydney: Uber, Myer, Howatson and Hind join action-packed conference lineup

By AdNews | 12 April 2023

AdNews L!VE Sydney will return to the stage next month with a conference delving into the Australian independent agency sector. 

‘Indie-pendence Day’ will explore the latest opportunities, challenges and developments to independent agencies as a wave of new industry power players set up shop. Register here as spots are strictly limited.

AdNews can reveal the first phase of speakers include Howatson + Co founder Chris Howatson, Exceptional Alien co-founder Justin Drape, New Co. founder Justin Hind, Uber APAC director of marketing Lucinda Barlow and Myer general manager marketing Gemma Hunter.

The half-day conference will include panels and presentations covering a range of topics including the current state of the industry, insights on pitching and agency rosters as well as a deep dive into mergers and acquisitions.

AdNews publisher Assia Benmedjdoub said the conference has been curated at an important time for the industry.

“The Australian independent agency sector is in a buoyant transformational phase, providing a perfect opportunity to delve into the topics that matter most to operators in the space. Through this program, we want to create a meeting point to learn and network with the industry."

The half-day conference will take place at the Australian Maritime Museum on the afternoon of May 23. Additional speakers will be announced shortly.

Supporting sponsors for the event include Amobee, Foxcatcher, Pubmatic and StackAdapt. Associate partners are Blis, JustEggs, Quantcast and MIQ with IMAA - The Independent Media Agencies of Australia - as friend of AdNews.

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