Koh's first TV campaign 'I don’t know how to do it properly' via Ouzo Studio

5 February 2024

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A call to arms for Australian couples to stop the excuses and start sharing the cleaning duties.

Cleaning brand Koh is rolling out a nationwide advertising campaign. The tongue-in-cheek commercial was shot by Ouzo Studio and is based on Koh’s survey findings.

It pokes fun at the dynamic in relationships when it comes to cleaning and the phrase “I don’t know how to do it properly.” Leaning on humour to capture the audience and encourage everyone to do a little more cleaning around the house with a wink and a nudge.

February will see the brand launch its first campaign across TV and BVOD as it adopts a long-term brand building strategy.

In January 2024, Koh conducted a survey with 1,127 Australians to understand the cleaning dynamics at home. The findings indicated that overwhelmingly 81% of those who identify as female report they do the majority of cleaning at home. However, three in four men are happy with the current delegation of cleaning roles.

Koh’s research uncovered that choreplay is in fact the new foreplay - one in four Australian men and women agree cleaning is the most attractive thing their partner can do around the house.

With a modest media budget the Koh team partnered with Ouzo Studios to get creative and find a solution to a mass reach and frequency media buy by delivering cut-through by way of humour and emotional connection with the audience.

The result, a call to arms for Australian couples to stop the excuses and start sharing the cleaning duties.

Koh's head of brand, Siobhan O'Brien, says with a loyal following and strong market penetration it was time for Koh to capitilise on its brand love through a brand platform that just about everyone can relate to.

"We learned that just about everyone feels they do more cleaning at home than they'd like to. Our goal is to get less people cleaning and more people Koh-ing so they can spend more time doing the things they enjoy," she says.

"We're confident our first above the line brand campaign is just the beginning for Koh as we embrace changes in consumer behaviour, shaking the shackles of e-commerce to a channel agnostic mass brand."

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