Happy Fridge

8 July 2013

Advertiser: Chobani Australia

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Is your work fridge a tad depressing? Chobani wants you to take a picture of it for a chance to win a fridge full of Chobani Greek Yogurt in its new social media campaign.

Participants can enter their 'sad fridge' at happyfridge.com.au.

General manager of marketing at Chobani Australia, Damian Young said “Everyone has a ‘sad fridge’ in their office, full of un-inspiring and often neglected food, like old, wilting vegetables, expired milk and unidentified food objects (UFOs). We are offering eligible workplaces in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth the chance to cheer up their work fridge by filling it with our delicious, authentic strained Chobani Greek Yogurt and turning it into a ‘happy fridge’.”

Experiential agency: The Round Table Australia

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