The AdNews NGen blog: Creeping it real

28 October 2013

Brands live in product categories, people don’t.
This is why it is a crucial part of our role as advertisers to understand popular culture and dynamics.
Think how FOMO and FONK informed so many of our clients’ strategies.
I’ve uncovered something new.
My research is highly scientific.
I observed that my friends, family and I were all becoming bigger creeps and that we were proud of this fact.

What is 'Creeping it Real'?

Making no effort at all to hide the fact that you are creeping on other people through social media.
Social media includes but is not limited to; Instagram, Tindr, Facebook & LinkedIn.
Traditional creeping is a private affair.
Often met with feelings of shame or guilt.
'Creeping it Real' is being open and honest about your creepy behavior and, most importantly, sharing your finds.
The sharing of screen grabs is considered common courtesy amongst friends – the better the find, the bigger the kudos.

Get your mind out of the gutter, you creep it real at work

You receive a calendar invite for a work meeting.
You go straight to LinkedIn to find out more about Joe Bloggs.
But you stay logged in so they know you are doing your research.
Crept real.

Is tech and social to blame?

It would make sense to think technology and social fuels this behavior.
Go to a bar and have a look around.
I bet my bottom dollar you will see people unashamedly and somewhat ferociously swiping left and right on their phones.
More so they are creeping it real by sharing around their phones to show off their finds.

Maybe it’s each and every one of us that is to blame

We also love to be creeped on.
We share so much of ourselves online.
The truth is we seek validation.  
When you post a photo, how often do you check for likes?
You don’t just check once.
Likes and comments are the outcome of other people taking the time to think about us.
And we like this.

Now it’s out there, creep it real

The stalker stigma leftover from the early days of Myspace is gone.
It's time to celebrate our inner creeps!
BUT there are three golden rules to keep the Creeping Real.

Rule 1) Don’t creep it a secret

Hiding your creeping from your mates is a sign that you are probably breaking Rule 1.
Don’t be a creeping Tom.
Sharing is caring.
Share your finds with your friends.
Creeping it a secret is just, well, creepy.

Rule 2) Creep it simple

Some people (parents) creep it all wrong.
Just because its posted doesn’t mean it needs a like and a comment.
A like here, a comment there is all you need.
Cosmetic creeping.
You don’t want to over do it and be an actual creep.

Rule 3) Never ever trust someone who says they don’t creep.

Not to be confused with a creeping Tom (see Rule 1).
A creeping Tom has never denied creeping.
He/she is only deceptive about the degree to which he/she creeps.
So lets Creep it Real here;
We all creep.
If your friend, mum, dad, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife denies this human truth, he or she is in fact a liar.
And cannot be trusted.

Jason Maggs
Co-creative executive, Strategy

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