Countdown of Awesome: VW dogs, sexism on Google and robot turtles

24 October 2013

This week we cover dogs that represent cars, a glimpse of cinemas potential future, how Google reveals sexist search trends and why micro volunteering is so powerful.

5) Woofwagon

Why not use animalification to help communicate the family of VW cars? Much easier for some than worrying about power, fuel consumption, seats and all those other boring stats.


4) ScreenX

We featured the Microsoft Illumiroom concept a few months back and here the same idea has been implemented in Korean cinemas. It uses the walls of the cinema to create a 270 degree visual experience.


3) Robot Turtles

Great coders and programmers are only going to be more in demand. Getting children learning and excited about it is the aim of one Googler who created the board game Robot Turtles. It introduced children to core concepts of programming in a fun and interactive experience.


Via @mattfurlong

2) Google auto completes

Google auto complete reveals the hidden sexism still prevalent in our society. When we first saw these examples, we thought they must be from countries that are well known for having poor equality but even sitting at our computer in Sydney the auto complete proved that sexism is still a huge issue. 


1) MySmartEye

This is one of those ideas that is so obvious and simple you think how can no one have thought of this before?

Via @scotton

Thanks to everyone who helps bring this blog together each week, finding the great stuff with your productive procrastinating.

Tom DiSapia
Strategy director

Robert Bellamy
Junior strategist


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