Countdown of Awesome: Drunk acting, GE gets science-y and Nike knits a billboard

9 September 2013

This week we take a look at drunk acting, a giant inflatable ‘mood ring’, a knitted billboard and GE's incredible six-second science fair.

5) New Deal Distillery doesn’t condone drunk acting, apparently.

Kicking off this week, New Deal Distillery has an unique take on the ‘drunk’ acting which has taken inspiration from the ‘Drunk History’ series on YouTube. Whether you take the moral high ground or not you have to admit that it’s damn funny.


4) Giant inflatable mood ring translate the collective emotional state of Minneapolis.

This isn’t the first time someone has tried to visualise Twitter sentiment in a public space but we like this one for the brilliance of the execution. It's big, it flies, it's 90s, it easily makes it onto our list.

Via Huffington Post.

3) Nike knit a billboard. Really.

To show off Nike’s new Flyknit technology in their new shoes they knitted a one of their shoes onto a billboard. A strong simple creative media idea that clearly demonstrates the product benefit and captures people attention.


2) colAR brings your child’s drawings to life with augmented reality

The best thing about colAR’s app is that it recognises the colours the children have used to make their picture and uses them in the AR animation. We’d like to see how this ‘live’ customisable AR could be applied to design or fashion catalogues to create unique individual pieces consumers could purchase.

Via @toph_colter

1) GE's six-second science fair

Mythbusters has gone a long way to making science cool to kids. GE continues the good work with fun six-second Vine science lessons anyone can try at home. A brilliant, simple idea that is refreshing and powerful.


That’s it for this week. As ever, if anything screamingly awesome has been missed out, let us know in the comments below. Or feel free to ping any recommendations for subsequent weeks to Tom @disapia and Rob @robertbellamy

Tom diSapia, strategy director
Robert Bellamy, junior strategist

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