Countdown of Awesome: Drinking, gambling, and grimy streets - how far would you go to help out a mate?

27 March 2013

This week James has taken a well-deserved holiday so this countdown is brought to you by Tom and Rob.

Number 5) Robots and Rocket launches teach kids coding
Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs, Dorsey and many more of the most influential minds in technology and business all recently said that teaching coding to kids is one of the most important skills being neglected by the current education system. Gameification isn’t a new concept but implementing it well is rare, Kuato studios have managed to do just that. They have put coding at the heart of a new iPad game in which your character grows with your coding competency.

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Number 4) The Peanut Gallery
Google Chrome experiments just keep getting better. The Peanut Gallery allows users to create their own silent films whilst demonstrating Chrome’s voice recognition technology. All achieved within the browser (through HTML5) and without the need of additional software.


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Number 3) Talk to Esquire
Print companies have been searching for a way to complement their content with mobile devices. The flaw in almost all attempts so far have been the overcomplicated and clunky experience for users. ‘Talk to Esquire’ uses video and voice recognition but does it quickly and seamlessly to create an experience that is actually worth the time.


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Number 2) New York 1993
Cleverly, the New Museum has brought life back to the humble pay phone for their ‘New York 1993’ exhibit by turning them into local tour guides and directing listeners to the exhibit. Each phone tells a unique story of life in New York in 1993 tailored down to that particular street. We think it’s a great use of a near obsolete technology that bridges the past to the present.


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Number 1) The Carlsberg friendship test
Following on from their hilarious biker cinema stunt Carlsberg continues to test the nerve of innocent civilians and this time stitched up mates. A classic questions played out, how far would you go for a mate?


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Big thanks to Tom DiSapia (@disapia) and Rob Bellamy (@robertbellamy) for guest editing the blog this week.

James Filmer
Chief Innovation Officer
UM Australia

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