Countdown of Awesome: Budweiser's connected cups, Microsoft Wifi mags and Twitter cuckoo clocks

2 May 2013

This week we review connected products from Budweiser and Twitter, connected advertising from Microsoft and Faktum’s homeless hotel engine.

Number 5) Faktums’ boutique hotel approach to help the homeless
In a smart piece of publicity to promote the issue of homelessness in Gothenburg, Faktum newspaper has developed a site enabling you to book one of these less than desirable spots. They chose ten places where any of the 3,400 homeless people were likely to spend the night and have given each a write-up and accompanying photography worthy of boutique hotel. Any of the ‘rooms’ could be booked for yourself or booked to give away as a gift.


Via Adverblog

Number 4) Twitter UK presents Flok
Commission by Twitter, London-based design studio BERG has created an interesting connected cuckoo clock called #Flock. The clock is powered by tweet pings on Twitter which announce your Tweets in an unusual way. Only a limited number of units have been created, and will likely be given away to a select few who "push creative boundaries. It’s certainly a novel way to get notifications – would you want to have one informing you of every new follower, retweet or message?

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Complex Art & Design
Referred by @y0z2a

Number 3) Budweiser Cups
In another smart connected innovation, Budweiser Brazil have created Buddy Cup. Each cup is integrated with Facebook so whenever two people clink cups with one another, they automatically become Facebook friends. A red LED confirms the new addition to the person’s list of friends on the social networking site. The cups will apparently be used at sponsored events.

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Referred by Chris Colter

Number 2) The solar window plug
The Window Socket offers a clever way to harness solar energy and use it as a plug socket. Just plug in to a window and its integrated solar panel will start charging it up. Given it’s just been released, there will be some concerns about how much juice it can generate, but if they can perfect the technology it could be the perfect free charging solution for long haul flights?


Via YankoDesign
Referred by @DiSapia

Number 1) Microsoft puts free wifi in a magazine
This week’s Number 1 slot goes to Microsoft’s innovative placement of a WiFi router within a magazine to promote its Office 365 software. A number of Forbes magazines were equipped with the technology and sent out to subscribers. When activated, the T-Mobile WiFi router provided users with 15 days of free internet. The WiFi hotspot could connect up to five devices at once, and the router lasts three hours before it had to be recharged. Another lovely example of the medium become the message.


Via Design Taxi
Referred by @y0z2a

That’s it for this week. As ever, if anything screamingly awesome has been missed out, let us know in the comments below. Or feel free to ping any recommendations for next week to @jamescfilmer.

James Filmer
Chief Innovation Officer

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