Countdown of Awesome: Balancing acts, beetles and sharks

22 August 2012

It’s been a big week in the wide world of awesomeness. From death-defying, tight rope walking on the open road to underwater shark caged cars to the ultimate; to your parents' love life. We also look at bringing back good old fashioned manners in restaurants and crowd sourcing for a good cause.

Number 5: Volvo Trucks: The Ballerina Stunt Viral
This week’s number five goes out to all the awesome stunt women, men and children. The world-record holding tightrope walker was challenged by Volvo to walk between two semi-trailers, speeding toward a tunnel in order to demonstrate the precision of Volvo’s FH trucks. If anyone tries this at home, please make sure you film it and send it our way.

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Number 4: Disconnected Discounting
 Social etiquette in restaurants has increasingly been impeded by our smartphone obsession of texting, emailing, checking in, tweeting and instagramming our deconstructed hamburgers. This week’s number four is from a restaurant in LA that has sought to bring back table romance by incentivising patrons to leave their phones at the door for a 5% discount. I hope we see more people disconnecting to enjoy their cheap dates in the future.



Number 3: Thunderclap
Cash strapped but still have a big heart? Crowdsourcing now lends itself to causes in the form of the Thunderclap. The start-up, project-based model of crowdsourcing has been adapted to raise awareness instead of cash. Various causes are invited to pitch for pledges of support, gained through social reach.




Number 2: MyLovelyParent
Have you got a single parent looking for love? No-one knows their ins and outs more than you do, right? So why shouldn’t you be involved in the match-making process?  MyLovelyParent is a new, UK based website that gives children the reins over their parent’s love life. Sounds creepy, but so too does the thought of a strange man sitting in your kitchen, wearing your mum’s robe on a Sunday morning.


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Number 1: VW Beetle Shark Cage
In the spirit of shark cages and Volkswagen beetles, this week’s number one in the Countdown of Awesome does not come up short of breath. To celebrate the Discovery Channel’s 25th Anniversary of Shark Week, VW sponsors have designed a hybrid Beetle-shark cage. And I thought lemons floated.

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In James' absence, this week's blog was written by UM's junior strategist Christian Tough.

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