Countdown of Awesome: A-bombs, talking bears and an edible operating system

11 September 2013

This week cover anything from A-bombs to talking bears, an alternative disposable phones and an edible operating system… and there’s another Chrome experiment too. Enjoy.

Number 5)
JFK Presidential Library Cuban Missile Crisis 50 year anniversary. This is a great example of how to use interactive media to tell a powerful story. Syncing the 13 days the world was on the edge of nuclear war with your own calendar is a smart and personal way to pull the viewer in.

Number 4)
Phonebloks - a phone worth keeping. If you were looking to Apple to provide the next breakthrough in smart phone tech today you may have been disappointed. Phonebloks are tired of seeing phones thrown away every 12 months for the new model. Their idea could significantly reduce e-waste and let everyone have the a phone to suit their needs.

Number 3)
Beartime Stories. This one is a heart wrencher. The Bear-Time Project is crowd sourcing bed time stories read aloud and saving them to MP3 players hidden inside teddy bears to give to orphan children.  

Via @zoescaman

Number 2)
Arcade Fire Reflektor. For their new album Arcade Fire have teamed up with the Chrome Experiments team to produce a really awesome experience that connects your phone with your PC. Check it out here.

Via @y0z2a

Number 1)
Google Kitkat. Android operating systems have historically been named after sweet delights in alphabetical order, Honeycomb, Ice cream sandwich, Jelly Bean and now KitKat. It’s a creative and original take on how to do a brand partnership in the modern age.

That’s it for this week. If you think something else deserved to be in the top 5 let us know. Or feel free to ping any recommendations for subsequent weeks to Tom @disapia and Rob @robertbellamy

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