Toyota takes to the road with social mobile app

By AdNews | 29 January 2014
Toyota Roadtrip app: curating the drive.

Toyota is launching a social mobile app to help curate drivers' road trips with maps, photos and location tags to put the brand at the heart of driving experiences.

It lets users store route maps and geo-location tools allow photos to be tagged and stored along the way and shared with friends.

Roadtrip can also record where travellers stopped along the way and the landmarks they come across, even when the trip is out of mobile data range, as well as recommending trips and route from other users.

The app, created by mobile developer Buuna, launches this week.

The Roadtrip app was conceived to form part of launch activity for one of Toyota's 4WD vehicles, but the auto brand decided the concept was strong enough to stand apart as a brand initiative rather than as part of a model-specific marketing, according to Paul Lin, CEO of Buuna.

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