Australians are outsiders, but what does it mean for advertisers?

By AdNews | 22 August 2014

Australians are outsiders.

Not in the creepy stalker sense but rather they spend a lot of time outside, which APN Outdoor believes makes its advertising medium the best way to reach a large and engaged audience.

A study released by APN Outdoor and research firm Millward Brown, entitled the Attention Economy, looks into all advertising mediums to see the motivating factors for people when they are in certain spaces and how they receive messages depending on their moods and location.

The survey was based off a sample of 5,499 people and found that typically Australians spend 17 hours outside of home a week, excluding time spend in the office.

This is compared with 27 hours watching television and close to 20 hours online. However, in terms of ad recall, the study found that Outdoor was among the highest performers of all mediums, with 72% of respondents recalling Outdoor ads, compared with 77% for TV and 64% for Online.

The study found that when outside people are more alert and attentive rather than when people are at home, where they feel more relaxed.

APN claims that if you are attempting to grab an individuals attention when they alert and attentive outdoor is the way to go.

Janine Wood, general manger – marketing, APN Outdoor said: “We devised the Attention Economy study to assist our clients when planning their media campaigns. With this in mind, we ensured that the study wasn’t limited to just Outdoor, but instead put Outdoor in context to all other mediums.

“Though not surprised, we are very pleased with the results the Attention Economy delivered because they validate our industry’s claim that Outdoor is right up there with TV and Online in terms of performance.”

Results of APN Outdoor’s Attention Economy study are currently being presented to market via a series of events in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Auckland.

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