Skyscanner inspires travel from home with #WeWill campaign

3 April 2020

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Travellers across social platforms will be asked to share their dreams of where they will go.

Research with travellers across the globe reveals that although there is an overwhelming sense of uncertainty as countries deal with the spread of COVID-19, there is also a great deal of optimism for the future.

In fact, 60% of Skyscanner travellers are optimistic they will be able to travel internationally later this year, of which half are very optimistic.

This optimism rises to 68% for domestic travel, of which two thirds are very optimistic.

So as well as providing comprehensive help and support for travellers whose trips have been affected by the ongoing situation, Skyscanner wants to encourage hope, positivity and optimism, reinforcing that although it’s not clear when the world will be open again, it will be open again.

Travellers across social platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter will be asked to share their dreams of where they will go and why it’s important to them using #WeWill.

Skyscanner employees are kicking things off by sharing stories of the trips they’ve had to cancel and the ones they are planning for the future.

“It might seem like an unusual time to talk about being positive," Skyscanner global brand director Jo McClintock says.

"Many people are separated from loved ones and we’re unable to get out in the world as we would like. But it’s well known that positivity is a key part of successfully coping in a crisis.

"So by asking our employees and travellers to share their travel hopes and dreams, we want to spread optimism for the future and reassure them that when their dreams become reality again Skyscanner will be here to help.”

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