The AdNews NGen blog: 2 + 2 = 5

2 March 2012

Yep, you’re right. My sums are way off.

But, if your attention will allow, I’ll explain the reasoning and rationale behind the dud equation.

What I’m talking about here is an overlap between media agency and digital agency, and, how when operated in unison can result in a magical, yet measurable and tangible benefit (the added 5th element). But, if operated on their own in isolation, then 2+2 actually just equals 4.

Still here?

Good, I’ve got your attention.

The reason I say this is because, being 7 months into the beginning of a media career lends the fortune of looking at things with a fresh set of eyes, coupled with a childlike enthusiasm. And, with growing knowledge and clearer conviction, you begin to question why things are the way they are.

Too often in the media channel of search are you confronted with disinterest and lack of understanding (maybe the former is a result of the latter?), whether it be client side, partner side or in the minds of traditional media heads. But the figures don’t lie. Search is growing ahead of inflation and is seeing at least 10% year-on-year growth in Australia alone - taking spend to over $1 Billion (50% of all digital spend!). So, it appears that the noisy neighbour of media is getting a lot louder and just got itself a brand new set of speakers.

Fortunately, those in mainstream marketing who are hoping to make a serious impact in the digital space are noticing the influence of search marketing and are embracing it as an integral aspect of their marketing mix.

That’s all well and good and it’s taken a while to get here, but it could be better and it should be better. How? We, as search marketers need to be involved from the very beginning. But, we have made a good start – it just needs to happen more often.

The reason? Not only in Australia, but around the world, search marketers are having the same conversation with clients – ‘We’re paying an awful lot for the traffic, because the site we’re sending them to may look pretty, but it’s not relevant to the intent of the consumer’. This, I’m sure, will leave many a client scratching their heads and asking themselves ‘what the hell am I paying for then?’

This is where the application and approach to search can be positively affected by regular dialogue with clients so that when they do come to the development of new websites or mobile destinations with digital agencies, website optimisation and landing page theory becomes a start point in the creation stage. By working in collaboration with digital agencies, we can better reward users and, in turn, pay less for the traffic as the destination more relevantly matches the intent of consumers.

The why? Both the fortunes of search marketers and digital agencies are inextricably linked, so, by working in unison the client can still receive the silky, varnished product of a new website as well as an extremely efficient and thriving campaign.

Joe Egan
Search Executive

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