David Droga outlines future in Sydney next week

By AdNews | 21 March 2014

Droga5 founder David Droga will be talking about the future of marketing at the AANA's Global Marketer Conference in Sydney next week.

Speaking at an exclusive breakfast hosted by The Australian Financial Review, Droga will also be looking at media trends on entertainment and brands.

Droga is Australia's most-awarded creative advertising export. He founded Droga5 in New York in 2006, following roles as worldwide creative director at Publicis Worldwide and executive creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi London.

The AANA Global Marketer Conference, taking place in Sydney on Wednesday, is part of Global Marketer Week and will also feature eight international speakers from Acer, Adidas, Kimberly-Clark, Unilever, Google and Diageo Reserve.

Visit the Global Marketer Conference website for more information.

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